ISO 14001 certification

With Weld IT, you can rest assured that you are getting an environmental management system that is dedicated to identifying, managing and improving your company's environmental performance. Our efforts are aimed at working closely with you to ensure that your business meets the requirements of ISO 14001 and that together you promote sustainable operations.

Start the process of ISO 14001 certification

What is ISO 14001?

ISO 14001 er den internasjonale standarden for miljøstyringssystemer (EMS). Den tilbyr et rammeverk for organisasjoner for å utforme og implementere et EMS og kontinuerlig forbedre deres miljøprestasjon. Ved å følge denne standarden, kan virksomheter ta proaktive tiltak for å minimere sitt miljøavtrykk, etterkomme relevante lovmessige krav og oppnå sine miljømål. Rammeverket dekker ulike aspekter, fra ressursbruk og avfallshåndtering til overvåkning av miljøprestasjon og involvering av interessenter i miljøengasjement.

Why should your business become ISO 14001 certified?

I en tid med økt miljøbevissthet og globale utfordringer som klimaendringer og tap av biologisk mangfold har organisasjoner en sentral rolle å spille. ISO 14001 tilbyr en strukturert tilnærming for bedrifter til å takle disse presserende bekymringene. Ved å vedta denne standarden, viser organisasjoner en forpliktelse ikke bare til regulatorisk overholdelse, men også til kontinuerlig miljøforbedring. Denne proaktive tilnærmingen til miljøstyring kan resultere i håndgripelige fordeler, som redusert avfall, energibesparelse og kostnadsbesparelser.

What's more, it enhances an organization's reputation, promotes trust among stakeholders and is often a critical step for participating in global trade and supply chains. Simply put, ISO 14001 stands as a testament to an organization's dedication to a sustainable future, uniting environmental responsibility with strategic business growth.


A company's reputation and trust among stakeholders and customers is significantly enhanced when it can demonstrate ISO 14001 certification. In a market that increasingly values environmentally friendly actions, this represents a significant competitive advantage.

Thoughtful risk management strategies and the operational excellence that comes with ISO 14001 help companies avoid unforeseen events that can negatively impact operations and reputation. This creates a resilience that is crucial in today's business climate where unpredictability and rapid change are the norm. Implementing ISO 14001 is therefore not only important; it's essential for forward-thinking businesses looking to balance profitability with environmentally friendly operations.

Does your company need ISO 14001 certification?

ISO 14001 provides value to any organization across any industry looking to implement a systematic approach to improving environmental performance, including:

  • Manufacturing and process industries
  • Energy sectors and extractive industries
  • Agriculture, fishing, forestry and food producers
  • Building and construction industry
  • Transportation, distribution and logistics services
  • Healthcare, hotels, recreation and other service industries
  • Public sector and government agencies

How to get certified

Achieving ISO 14001 certification involves a multi-step process of evaluating current practices and areas requiring improvement, implementing an environmental management system in line with the standard's requirements, conducting internal audits, management evaluations, and finally, a final audit conducted by an independent, external certification organization.

How do you start the certification process and how can Weld IT help you?

Achieving ISO 14001 certification can be complicated. That's why Weld IT offers solutions that simplify, reassure and provide a better overview of the data needed. With a broad knowledge base covering several ISO standards, Weld IT gives your company the support you need.
