With ISO 9001, the company can focus on quality management of its processes and initiatives, and be confident that they meet customer needs and requirements while fulfilling legal and regulatory requirements related to the product.
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NS-EN 1090: The standards that define quality in steel and aluminum structures
The construction industry is constantly challenged to balance efficiency and cost-effectiveness with stringent safety and quality requirements. In Europe, the NS-EN 1090 standard represents one of the cornerstones for achieving this balance in steel and aluminum structures.
Hvorfor er NS-EN1090 så viktig?
Fra og med 2014 ble det krav om å CE-merke og Ytelseserklære stål- og aluminiumskonstruksjoner til byggverk, i Norge og andre land i EU og EØS. Kravene har oppstått siden disse stålkomponentene eller byggevarene er definerte som sikkerhetskritiske.
CE-merking (CE = Communauté Européenne) er det synlige bevis på at et produkt anses å oppfylle kravene som er fastsatt i ett eller flere av ny metode-direktivene/forordningene. For å kunne CE-merke tilvirkede stålkonstruksjoner må stålverkstedet sertifiseres mot EN 1090-1.
Companies that are able to fully implement NS-EN 1090, and obtain the associated CE marking, will enjoy great confidence in the market. This not only leads to a higher degree of competitiveness, but also strengthens the company's reputation as a responsible and quality-conscious manufacturer.
Background and necessity of NS-EN 1090
The NS-EN 1090 standard was developed to address the need for uniform quality in this industry. The series consists of several sub-standards with NS-EN 1090-1 and NS-EN 1090-2 being among the most critical. These standards are crucial to the safety of construction projects across the continent and ensure that components used not only meet current legislation, but also promote continuous improvement and innovation in building materials manufacturing.
NS-EN 1090-1: Requirements for the design of load-bearing components in steel or aluminum
NS-EN 1090-1 lays the foundation for the entire NS-EN 1090 series of standards and specifies the general requirements that must be met for CE marking of structural steel and aluminum components. CE marking is not only a legislative necessity; it is also a seal of quality recognized throughout Europe.
Processes and documentation
This sub-standard specifies the processes a manufacturer must undertake to prove that their products meet the requirements, including setting up a Factory Production Control (FPC) system, and how to perform and document the necessary tests and quality checks.
NS-EN 1090-2: Performance requirements for steel structures
NS-EN 1090-2 offers in-depth guidance on technical requirements for the execution of steel structures. It covers all production and assembly of steel elements, from basic metal cutting and shaping to advanced welding techniques and corrosion protection.
Materials covered by the standard
The standard applies to a wide range of steel grades and product types, including:
– Varmvalsede produkter av konstruksjonsstål opp til og med styrkegrad S700;
– Kaldformede komponenter og plater opp til og med S700;
– Varm- og kaldformede produkter av rustfritt stål;
– Varm- og kaldformede hulprofiler.
Quality control and testing
To achieve and maintain the standard's levels of quality, NS-EN 1090-2 contains detailed requirements for inspection and testing. This ensures that each component is not only correctly manufactured, but will also perform as expected in the final construction under all relevant conditions.
Full application of the NS-EN 1090 standard involves not only following the requirements in detail, but also obtaining certification from an accredited certification body. This is a comprehensive effort that requires dedication from all layers of an organization, from top management to the floor workers.
How do you start the process and how can Weld IT help you?
Weld IT har utarbeidet grunndokumenter for: – FPC iht. NS-EN 1090 – NS-EN ISO 3834 – HMS.
Disse kan kjøpes og implementeres i den enkelte bedrift. Weld IT har spisskompetanse innenfor disse områdene, og vil kunne bistå din bedrift i implementering av disse systemer.
Achieving ISO certification can be complicated. That's why Weld IT offers solutions that simplify, reassure and provide a better overview of the data needed. With a broad knowledge base covering several ISO standards, Weld IT gives your company the support you need.