Terms and conditions

Right of use and maintenance of Weld IT software

By installing Weld IT software and/or using Weld IT services, you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by the provisions of this agreement applicable to the relevant Weld IT products and services. Please therefore read the entire agreement carefully. If you do not accept the provisions of the Agreement, you are not entitled to use the relevant products and/or services. In this case, you must notify Weld IT AS of this within 14 days of the date of purchase. Any printouts of documents cannot then be used and must be shredded.

Weld IT AS delivers products and services to businesses, not to consumers.

By purchasing services, you consent to Weld IT commencing delivery to you before any withdrawal period expires. When exercising any right of withdrawal, you will thus have to pay for the part of the service that has been performed and for the materials used.

Commencement and renewal of the agreement

The start of the agreement is calculated from when the customer orders the software and not from the delivery date.

The agreement period is set at a minimum of 12 months, and thereafter the contract will follow the calendar year and is automatically renewed each year for 12 new months. One-off costs are paid when the agreement is entered into, and rent and support are paid in advance on a quarterly basis, unless otherwise agreed. Payment terms are normally 14 days from the invoice date.

Prices may be increased in accordance with the latest available consumer price index ("CPI") without notice to the customer. Weld IT AS may increase prices beyond this as a result of the software's content changing significantly or Weld IT's suppliers increasing prices beyond the CPI. The customer shall be notified in writing of such an increase with reasonable notice.

If the Customer fails to pay the amount due on time, Weld IT is entitled to default interest in accordance with the Act relating to interest on delayed payment etc. of December 17, 1979 no. 100 (the Interest on Delayed Payment Act).

Weld IT has the right to close the program when the license is not paid within the specified time.

License price and Weld IT Service Agreement

The license price and the annual price for the Weld IT Service Agreement can be found on the Weld IT website.

Other financial framework conditions

    • Ordinary telephone support during normal working hours is covered by annual costs.
    • Telephone meetings are charged on an hourly basis.
    • When reconstructing a lost password, at least one hour is charged per transaction.
    • Server space per user is set to 10 GB.


Customer acknowledges Weld IT's rights and copyrights to the Software. The Customer shall not copy, distribute, rent, lease or transfer the Software to any third party. The Customer shall not modify, disassemble or decompile the Software or any part thereof. If, as a result of the infringement, Weld IT suffers loss, or the Customer obtains an unjustified advantage, Weld IT is entitled to compensation for all direct and indirect costs related to the infringement.

Right to use the Software

Weld IT grants Customer a non-transferable and non-exclusive limited right to use the Software for its internal business purposes against payment of a license for right of use and maintenance. Payment of the license fee is a prerequisite for the use of the software and the guarantees it has to function as agreed.

Each user of the system is given personal access to the system, which must not be disclosed to third parties. Third parties in this context also include colleagues within the same organization. If the User needs to extend the Agreement to cover more users, additional Users must be ordered.

The provisions herein apply to all software offered to you by Weld IT, unless otherwise specifically agreed, and irrespective of whether the software is offered against payment or free of charge. Some licenses are time-limited and require you to maintain the Weld IT Service Agreement.

The ownership and copyright to the Applications, including programs, systems and documentation belong to Weld IT, and are protected in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act of 12 May 1961 No. 2.

Ownership of data generated by the Customer or the Customer's activities belongs to the Customer.


The user is responsible for entering and updating documents such as document collections and information on their own website. All content posted on the server machine is the user's responsibility.

Overuse of storage capacity

If the user's products use 5% more than the agreed amount of storage, over a period of one month, Weld IT will be able to make the customer aware of this, and order the customer to either remove data or upgrade to a service level with greater storage capacity. If the customer does not comply with this order within 10 days from Weld IT's notification, Weld IT will be able to upgrade the user's service corresponding to the disk space the customer takes up, without the consent of the user.

Maintenance of the software

The Customer's right to use the software under the Agreement includes the right to have all new versions made available. The Customer undertakes to use the latest version of the software.

Documentation and storage medium

All documentation, including manuals, user guides and other written and electronic representations of how the software is used by an end user are considered part of the software and are subject to the same copyright restrictions.

Disclaimer of liability

Weld IT warrants and represents that the Software is substantially capable of performing the functions described in the Documentation. The Customer and Weld IT understand that the software will not be error-free in any version, and have consequently entered into this agreement as a right of use and maintenance.

Weld IT's obligation to compensate the Customer is limited as follows: The customer is entitled to compensation for direct losses caused by Weld IT through gross negligence or misconduct. Weld IT cannot be held liable for any form of direct or indirect loss or damage that the customer has or should have discovered in connection with the customer's use of Weld IT. This also applies if any errors in the program have caused losses to the customer. Should Weld IT, despite this, still be held liable for any losses incurred by the customer, the customer understands that Weld IT's liability for damages will be limited to a refund of the license amount the customer has paid to Weld IT in the last 12 months, regardless of the customer's established loss or damage.


To access the service, the customer is dependent on having internet access.

Force majeure

If the performance of the agreement is wholly or partially prevented or significantly impeded by circumstances beyond the control of the parties, the obligations of the parties will be suspended to the extent that the circumstances are relevant and for as long as the circumstances last. Such circumstances include, but are not limited to, strikes, lockouts, line failures at the telecom operator, as well as any circumstances that will be judged as force majeure.


All parties to this agreement must exercise confidentiality in all confidential matters, or where this must be considered reasonable. The parties may refer to this assignment in their respective contexts, where it is natural to do so, and in such a way that it supports the overall objectives of this cooperation.

Consent to receive electronic customer information

As a customer of Weld IT, you agree that we may send you customer information such as user tips, update news, news about Weld IT as well as relevant products and services that Weld IT considers to be of interest to users of the software. By providing your e-mail address when registering as a Weld IT customer, you consent to such information being sent to the e-mail address you provide and/or by other electronic means.


Weld IT may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect if the Customer defaults on any of its obligations under this Agreement or if the Customer becomes insolvent or goes bankrupt.

Either party has the right to terminate the contractual relationship with written notice at least 3 months before the renewal date.

In the event of termination and after the payment obligation has fallen due, Weld IT may close access to the software. You will receive a notification to the e-mail address you have registered with us before the closure. The closure will last until correct payment is received. The customer bears the risk if the closure will affect the functionality of other products and services.

This agreement is transferable and will continue to apply even if Weld IT is divided or merged into other companies.

Termination of software development

Weld IT shall not be obliged to continue to provide new versions of the Software if Weld IT decides to stop the development or distribution of all or part of the Software for any reason. The Customer shall be given reasonable notice in writing of any such decision. If Weld IT stops the development or distribution of the Software, Weld IT shall have no further liability or obligation with respect to the Software or its agreement. Customer may continue to use the latest version of the Software provided by Weld IT at its own risk without paying any maintenance fee. Beyond this, the Customer does not acquire any greater right to the Software and the terms of the Agreement apply as before.

Scope of the agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire right of use and maintenance agreement between Customer and Weld IT. Additions or amendments shall be approved in writing by Weld IT. The provisions of this Agreement supersede all terms and conditions agreed orally or contained in other documents that conflict with this Agreement. Weld IT reserves the right to amend the Agreement. The latest version of this Agreement takes precedence over all previous versions. The Customer accepts that version of this Agreement by paying the annual fee. The Customer shall be notified of new or amended terms with reasonable notice.


Any dispute arising from this agreement, which is not resolved amicably, shall be settled by Bergen District Court.

Agreement on the right to use qualified WPQR from Weld IT AS

The Customer hereby confirms that it has read, understood and agrees to be bound by the provisions of this agreement that apply to the use of WPQR prepared by Weld IT. Please therefore read the entire agreement carefully. If you do not accept the provisions of the agreement, you are not entitled to use the relevant products and/or services. In this case, you must notify Weld IT AS of this within 14 days of the date of purchase. Any printouts of documents cannot then be used and must be shredded.

Weld IT AS delivers products and services to businesses, not to consumers.

By purchasing the right to use WPQR as the basis for a welding procedure, you consent to Weld IT commencing delivery to you before any withdrawal period expires. When exercising any right of withdrawal, you will thus have to pay for the part of the service that has been performed and for the materials used.

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The Customer acknowledges Weld IT AS's rights and copyrights to WPQR. The Customer shall distribute, rent out or transfer the welding procedure to others. If the Customer gives other parties access to the welding procedure where the Customer can, or obtains an unjustified advantage, Weld IT AS is entitled to compensation for all direct and indirect costs related to the infringement.


Weld IT AS is the rightful owner of WPQR, where the customer purchases the right to use this as a basis for WPS. The user is responsible for reviewing and approving the relevant WPQR before it is used, as well as preparing the WPS in accordance with. NS-EN ISO 15612 and NS-EN ISO 15609-1.

Disclaimer of liability

Weld IT guarantees and warrants that WPQR is qualified in accordance with. NS-EN ISO 15614-1, where a third party has witnessed and qualified the procedure.

Weld IT's obligation to compensate the customer is limited as follows: The customer is entitled to compensation for direct loss caused by Weld IT AS through gross negligence or misconduct. Weld IT AS cannot be held liable for any form of direct or indirect loss or damage that the customer has or should have discovered in connection with the customer's use of the welding procedure. Should Weld IT AS, despite this, nevertheless be held liable for any losses incurred by the customer, the customer understands that Weld IT AS's liability will be limited to reimbursement of the amount the customer has paid to Weld IT AS in the last 12 months, regardless of the customer's established loss or damage.

Internet access

In order to access WPQR, the customer is dependent on having internet access.


All parties to this agreement must exercise confidentiality in all confidential matters, or where this must be considered reasonable. The parties may refer to this assignment in their respective contexts, where it is natural to do so, and in such a way that it supports the overall objectives of this cooperation.

Consent to receive electronic customer information

As a customer of Weld IT, you agree that we may send you customer information such as user tips, updates, news about Weld IT as well as relevant products and services that Weld IT considers to be of interest to users. By providing your e-mail address when registering as a Weld IT customer, you consent to such information being sent to the e-mail address you provide and/or by other electronic means.


Weld IT may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect if the Customer breaches any of its obligations under this Agreement.


Any dispute arising from this agreement, which is not resolved amicably, shall be settled by Bergen District Court.

