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Types of welding procedures: WPQR and WPS

The welding procedures are an important part of the total welding quality system as it provides documented evidence that inspection and testing has been carried out to ensure that welding can be performed according to recognized standards.

Welding procedures are guidelines used to perform a weld. Welding procedures are usually created according to a welding code or standard and require physical weld samples to be performed, inspected and tested to establish a qualification.

What are WPQR and WPS?

Welding procedures are divided into two categories, Procedure Qualification Record (WPQR ) and Welding Procedure Specification (WPS). Welding Procedure Qualification Records (WPQR) are the documented values used during welding testing and all the test results collected from the test samples.

On the other hand, the Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) is usually documented work instructions that can be used by the welder to perform the welding operation and is based on parameters used for the Welding Procedure Qualification Record (WPQR).

pWPS and WPS

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